Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ice-cream head

Twas cold today. Has been for a while really. The only thing was, as I strolled past the newly built mansion - Theresa Towers - just up the road, my head felt awfully cold. I mean so cold I was transported back to childhood ice-cream gulping times when that headache from eating really cold stuff appears. I couldn't find my rather stylish hat. There are loads lurking round the place but just could not find the right one.

Eve had a similar problem although removing ones neck so you get your head lower into your warm coat is somewhat going to extremes. But that's Eve for you now she is a year older. Well, a day older than yesterday anyway.

And yes, we have had a little dusting of snow. I duly snapped it up with this ever-so-slightly not focussing camera just so you can [almost] see it.

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