Monday, May 19, 2014

A snap and a puff of smoke.

No, you can't see the smoke. It's gone now and it wasn't here anyway. Twas down the road at the Toots'. Saw the smoke as we descended down towards Gress beach and thought Toots' house was on fire such was the billowingness and density of the stuff. All across the road and down to the sea. The sheeps were coughing and the daises were changing to a dull grey on the machair. I screeched to a halt outside and rushed in to find the dear couple cosied up in their rabbity onesies in the kitchen. Turns out the Toots were trying to boil an egg or two on the Aga and were burning Ian's old socks or something to get the thing hot! I suggested Mr Toots look outside but he couldn't see much because of all the smoke!

We left them to it and tootled over to Carloway  harbour-side for a savoury cream tea picnic to remember my dear old Mum who left us three years ago and who loved such picnickity occasions - especially at Watchet harbour.

Todays snap - North Tolsta. Eh?

1 comment:

Dorothy Ross MacIver said...

Hey! What are you doing creeping around behind my house. You'll scare the hens!!!