Saturday, November 10, 2012

We are all artists here!

Of course you don't believe it. I really didn't expect you to.

The islands here are crawling with artists of one sort or another. Painters, potters, photographizers and other art-creating genres starting with other letters of the alphabet. And before you start on me, yes, photographizing can be [but not always is] art. There I've said it. Luckily for me I do have acquaintances who agree with me. They have the faith.

Now, in town, Stornoway don't you know - is a pop-up shop. Eh? In Stornoway? Yep. And well worth a visit too. The shop is being run by the Create it Collective. I love collectives me I do. And this one is no exception being full of lovely things - painting, cards, pottery and more. Delicious. And it's there - in that snap above [no, that snap is not Art] in the shop between The Criterion bar [yellow] and the pink shoppe. Open Saturdays till End of December me thinks.

The Russian plastic Cosmic Symbol camera got a shot at these snaps - along with some old Agfa film. Cheap as chips [cheaper in fact] camera with interesting exposure system - that works rather well - unlike the focus!. I got the Criterion ok though and caught Toots Wilson as he ambled down to The County on his last day of work for a meal of freshly slaughtered tomatoes or something with colleagues who had respectfully dropped back as I shot.

Toots; The last day of work.

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