Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kodak Polymax paper and Coelyne of the Coelynes

Coelyne of the Coelynes doing or, not doing the pressing.

There's nothing quite like old out of date Kodak Polymax printing paper for getting the desired mottled effect. And this is Kodak Polymax paper suitably out of date and therefore mottled. Not that you can easily tell. Looks like I have been playing with Textures so beloved of Flickrites and the like. I wouldn't dare as Mr Coelyne reads this most days and I would be hassled from here to eternity or something.

Mr Coelyne was trying to press the coffee to the bottom of the coffee thing at the recent Lewis Photographica [continuing] coffee morning. It wouldn't press [it transpired there was a granular irregularity by all accounts and sorted by Toots Wilson here seen lurking in t'background] . That gave one time to sort the Perkeo loaded with Fuji Acros, check the light, adjust the setting, focus using the auxiliary focus finder and shoot [using the auxiliary shutter - a knife in this case - don't ask]. Nice eh? The look of concentration. I can almost spoon out of the feel of the day from this image. It has an aura of averageness and everything.

Coelyne of the Coelynes run the Oiseval gallery and wonderful framing business over at Brue on the West Side. Only, they will be shut for October. Go soon or in November or later.

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